Read on

The purpose of this blog is to get as many people as possible and particularly people from the Dutch Kingdom, to write. Writing is good for self-development, planning, business, mental health, and so on.

It is a skill that enriches our lives in multiple areas.

I believe that we are missing out on the benefits of a talent that we can develop with little money and simple tools.  A pen and a piece of paper (and yourself ofcourse) is all you need.

If you haven’t already, start with writing down how you are feeling today and what you can do, to feel better the rest of the day.

All articles in this blog are written in my two native languages Papiamentu & DutchThe unique mix of Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and even some French words create the creole language we call Papiamentu (for Aruba Papiamento). You can hear this language mostly in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. The Dutch language is spoken in the Netherlands (Europe), Belgium, Suriname (South America), and in the Dutch Caribbean.

Now let’s Read on to Write on!

Don't understand Papiamentu?

And you ended up here?
Then this is your first Papiamentu lesson!


Kon ta bai? = How are you doing?
(You pronounce ‘bai’ as pie, with a ‘B’)



 Dushi = Delicious or Sweetheart
(Pronounced Doo-She)
